Meadow McNaney Meadow McNaney


Being mature for your age is not something you could have prevented.

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Meadow McNaney Meadow McNaney


I cannot see my hand in front of me

Standing in crisp cold water

My footed flesh flinches as I step one foot in front of another


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Meadow McNaney Meadow McNaney

No Amount

I will carry the feeling of your hands on my body with me

Till the day I am buried

Still six feet under

I am a survivor

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Meadow McNaney Meadow McNaney

Abecedarian Poem

A sight for sore eyes

Beautifully damaged yes

Can’t you see

Do I not try enough

Energy is lacking inside of me

For I am just barely surviving

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Meadow McNaney Meadow McNaney

The Lifeless Faces

There is so much gold coloring on the walls,

Yet so much gray reflects off the people. 

Reflecting off the lifeless faces. 

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Meadow McNaney Meadow McNaney

Instant Poem

But what happens when night falls?

That is the daring question. 

Here there is too much sadness and not enough cotton candy clouds in the sky.

But I’ve learned to find beauty in the night,

Through the moon. 

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Meadow McNaney Meadow McNaney

Ode To Chargers

Ode to chargers

Not the wire plug in chargers for our modern day technology

But to the chargers that refuel


And bring life back to

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Meadow McNaney Meadow McNaney

Fatal Flaw

What’s her fatal flaw?

Looking at her across the mirror,

She intrigues me. 

Simply because I can’t figure her out. 

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Meadow McNaney Meadow McNaney

Relapse On You

I relapsed. 

I relapsed on you,

More times than I can count on my fingers. 

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Meadow McNaney Meadow McNaney

Morning Routine

Five forty-five; my alarm goes off

fifteen more minutes

Six; my alarm goes off again

why is it always so cold in the mornings 

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